You can attend daily or as much or as little as your schedule permits. Join us daily from 9:00AM – 10:00AM PT on Zoom.

Zoom Link Details

If you join through your Zoom account:

Visit: https://www.zoom.us/join and enter the Meeting ID: 818 7605 9491
Passcode: Please sign up to get the passcode to your email inbox


Please use this link ONLY from 9:00AM – 10:00AM PT

Questions: dailyonlinesangha@gmail.com

What to expect at each session
We start with a short dharma talk and prompt followed by a chance to meditate and reflect on the experience in meditation. We keep cameras off during the meditation so you can practice “on your own”. In Reflective Meditation we encourage meditators to approach the meditation with gentleness, kindness, and curiosity. After the meditation you can reflect and remember what happened in a journal. The last 10-15 minutes of the session gives the opportunity for a few people to have a short conversation about their experience with the teacher of the day while others observe and reflect upon their own practice. Occasionally we follow a slightly modified format.

9-9:10am PT – Dharma talk and prompt

9:10-9:40am PT – Meditation (cameras off so you can chose how long)

9:40-9:50am PT – Reflection, remembering, re-collection of meditative experience

9:50-10am PT – Inter~views, sharing experience, short conversations between a few meditators and the teacher of the day

We Need Your Support

We teach on dana: appreciation, generosity, and support for Sati Sangha and Pine Street Sangha to continue our teachings:

Pine Street Sangha Building4

If you cannot attend and want to hear our daily dharma talks, please visit the Reflective Meditation Podcast

Agreements for Participation

  • Beginning with self honesty – being truthful with yourself
  • Respecting autonomy – the right for you to control the direction of your meditation practice
  • Avoiding actions that harm yourself and other participants during our sessions
  • Practicing confidentiality
  • Treating different kinds of experience and people equitably

Simple Instructions for a meditation practice

  • Choose a comfortable position – we will be meditating for 20–30 minutes. You can choose to meditate for a shorter amount of time.
  • Let your thoughts, feelings and sensations move, holding your body relatively still. You may start with any practice you feel comfortable with, and change the focus of your practice at any time during the sitting.
  • If you feel overwhelmed at any point you can open your eyes, you can bring your focus to an object (your body, a phrase or picture, the breath), or you can get up and move around.
  • At the end of your meditation session, reflect back upon your experience by writing it down or simply remembering.
  • Although we don’t have time in this online session, we encourage you to explore your experience with a teacher, peer or friend. We will provide reflection sessions during online retreats. Contact Linda at linda@satisangha.org if you would like to participate in a small group.

Zoom Guidelines

  • It is helpful for you to have a free account; however, you can still join the meetings if you do not have the free account.
  • We request that you use a private room whenever possible. A headset with a built-in microphone is optimal, but not required.
  • Please consider rebooting your computer (and modem in some cases) sometime before the meeting, and closing out all browsers when on the call.
  • Nelly, Linda or another teacher will enter the Zoom room right at 9am PDT to start.
  • When you enter the Zoom room, your mute will come on automatically. Please stay muted, except if you choose to share at the end of the call.
  • You may turn on your video, in the lower left-hand corner. Turn off your video when you meditate. If using an iPhone, iPad, or laptop, please stabilize your device. Turn off your video when you move around your space.
  • In the upper right-hand corner choice of speaker or gallery view. You may want to use speaker view for the beginning of the session and gallery view at the end of the session.
  • Unmute only when you choose to speak at the end of the session. Mute function is in the lower left-hand corner.
  • Log in a few minutes early for continuing meetings. If you are more than a few minutes late, please meditate and reflect on your own, and join us at 9:45am PDT for the closing comments.
  • You can leave the meeting at any point.