New Year Reflection: Cultivating Self-Trust and Confidence Together
New Year Reflection: Cultivating Self-Trust and Confidence Together
As we enter the new year, Reflective Meditation offers a unique opportunity to explore self-trust and confidence—both in ourselves and in our practice. The affirmation, “I have the capacity to be awake, aware, and to care for myself and others,” can guide us in embracing uncertainty and complexity with greater ease.
Often, we approach meditation with doubt, unsure of how much trust to place in ourselves or the practice. Reflective Meditation helps us notice where we may guard ourselves emotionally, creating distance rather than connection. These protective barriers, while comforting at first, can limit our ability to fully trust our body and mind.
In this retreat, we’ll meditate together as a supportive community (sangha), softening those defenses and nurturing a confidence that is adaptive, shared, and grounded in both joy and vulnerability.
Start the new year with clarity and renewed self-assurance—rooted in the strength of practice and the collective energy of the group.
With Linda Modaro
December 29, Sunday at 9:00am PST – December 29, Sunday at 4pm PST
During this online retreat, we will teach an open meditation practice that is followed by reflection and journaling. We welcome continuing students, as well as meditators who are new to our orientation towards meditation practice and retreats. The roots of this practice are to be found in the Buddha’s early teachings and are based on learning to trust the ways of knowing that develop in meditation, enabling you to be more responsive and present in your life.
We believe that you can learn beneficial ways of meditating by seeing how your mind operates within meditation. This kind of “seeing” can be naturally developed through recollection and reflection, whether done in a journal or expressed verbally to an experienced teacher or peers.
Most likely you will have a goal in mind when you come to meditation practice. What is in your mind and heart matters deeply and does not need to be separated out from your meditation practice. Much of the learning comes from your own recognition and insight, rather than from an authority, a tradition, or any dogmatic and rigid way of thinking about meditation.
This retreat will be beneficial for you if:
• You want to have a retreat in your own home.
• You want to participate in an online group practice with a live teacher and sangha.
• Want to choose your own getaway destination while participating in an online meditation retreat
• Your work schedule does not allow you to get away for retreats.
During this retreat we will have a lighter schedule. Our experience with online retreats shows that having more open space in the schedule helps prevent the fatigue of being online.
Periods of meditation and free time will be on your own.
Reflective meditation encourages and supports an independent practice that fits with the conditions of your life. For most of us, our practice at home is usually quite different from when we go on retreat. An online retreat helps establish or deepen your independent practices, and integrate them into your everyday life. You will inevitably bring your life right into your meditation and your retreat, because the retreat resides wherever you are.
We have a desire to lead a generous, respectful life and to share it with others. Your giving and generosity for the teachings will be received with gratitude.
For retreats and larger workshops we have established our registration fees and dana as a range, rather than setting one amount to cover expenses with a request for an additional donation for the teachings. The low end of the range covers expenses for the online retreat. Payment at the higher ranges supports the teaching for Linda, and helps students experiencing financial challenges. We do not want to turn anyone away for lack of financial resources. Your support will benefit both Linda and Sati Sangha.
Deposit: $25 non-refundable deposit
Suggested Support and Dana Range: $50-150
If you aren’t able to pay at the low end of the range, please contact us, and we’ll try to work it out.
Sati Sangha will be taking care of the dana for this retreat. Deposits and support/dana can be given via paypal or check. When you make a donation, please note that it is for the online retreat. https://satisangha.org/donate/
Sunday, December 29, 2024
9:00-10:00am | Daily online group – short talk, meditation, reflection, short sharing |
10:30-11:30am | Reflection Group – longer time to explore your experience in meditation |
11:30-12:30pm | Meditation and reflection |
12:30-1:30pm | Lunch and free time |
1:30-2:30pm | Dharma conversation and small group conversations |
2:30-3:30pm | Meditation and reflection |
3:30-4pm | Closing circle |
*All times are in PST
• Log in a few minutes early for meetings. Your device will be muted upon entry. Please keep silence when you come on the call.
• In the upper right hand corner of the video you can choose speaker view or gallery view. Speaker view allows you to see the speaker full screen, and gallery view shows all participants.
• Mute and stop video functions are in the lower left hand corner. Locations may be different on iPad or smartphone.
• Unmute when you choose to speak. You can choose to turn your video on or off. Please keep your video off during meditation sessions. If you are using an iPad or smartphone, please stabilize the device. If you need to move around, please turn off the video.
• We request that you use a private room whenever possible. A headset with a built-in microphone is optimal, but not required.
• For optimal video conferencing, please consider rebooting your computer (and modem in some cases) some time before the meeting, and closing out all browser windows when on the call.
• Please understand that we will not be able to offer technical assistance once each segment of the day has started. You can email before or after the segment and we will try to help at those times.
• Beginning with self honesty – being truthful with yourself
• Respecting autonomy – the right for you to control the direction of your meditation practice
• Avoiding actions that harm yourself and other participants during our sessions
• Practicing confidentiality
• Treating different kinds of experience and people equitably
• Choose a comfortable position – we will be meditating for 30-40 minutes. You can choose to meditate for a shorter amount of time.
• Let your thoughts, feelings and sensations move, holding your body relatively still. You may start with any practice you feel comfortable with, and change the focus of your practice at any time during the sitting.
• If you feel overwhelmed at any point you can open your eyes, you can bring your focus to an object (your body, a phrase or picture, the breath), or you can get up and move around.
• At the end of your meditation session, reflect back upon your experience by writing it down or simply remembering.
• We encourage you to explore your experience in meditation daily in the small reflection groups.